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Methods and Framework Conditions of Cultural Education at Adult Education Centers

Methods and Framework Conditions of Cultural Education at Adult Education Centers

Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung Wolfenbüttel

Wolfenbüttel, Germany

9th Program Area Conference »Cultural Education«

Cultural education: analog and digital

Society is in the midst of digital transformation - and cultural education at adult education centers too! Various art forms expand their repertoire to virtual-digital components and teaching-learning settings move in all shades between presence and online formats. This raises the question: how much digitization does cultural education really need? From different perspectives we deal with the possibilities and limits, the potentials and challenges of this development.

In addition, there is enough room for collegial exchange. Nationwide, all colleagues who are responsible for cultural education at adult education centers or are interested in it, are cordially invited.

See the program at the bottom of the page.

Expert meeting in cooperation with the National Association of Adult Education Centers Niedersachsen e.V.

Conference planning and direction: Sabine Bertram, National Association of Adult Education Centers in Lower Saxony, Andrea Ehlert, Head of Program Cultural Management, Science, Politics, BA •, Tina Etling (KVHS Ammerland), Mathilde Pernot (VHS Hildesheim), Angelika Schlößer (VHS Osnabrück) and Dr. Claudia Sagittarius (KVHS Wesermarsch) for the Cultural Section of the Landesverband Volkshochschulen Niedersachsen.

Conference program 

Date: 24th Sep (13:30) - 25 Sep 2018 (12:30) |

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